The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover- Chapter Eight: Muriel’s Heart

The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover

Chapter Eight: Muriel’s Heart


As Muriel read the poem

She wept

And this moment brought a first for her

She believed for the first time

That true love was real

And her heart began to yearn

To know who her lover was


She made her way through the day

With every moment feeling like a lifetime

Each man she passed

Brought the same question

“Is this my love?”


With Simon’s words

The door to Muriel’s heart

Had been unlocked


That day when Simon saw her

He saw a woman in love

But she didn’t know who with

At one moment she giggled to herself

The next she was almost in tears


Simon was now resolved…


He would be revealed

To his love

And it would be for Muriel

To slay or bring him to life


When he left the diner after lunch

He walked straight to the Town Chronicle

And personally delivered the letter


The whole walk home

And the rest of the day

Simon did nothing

But hope against hope

And as he slept

He saw Muriel in his dreams


The following day’s paper

Had his poem on the front page


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter eight of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty -This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

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