The Butterfly Flutter Project

smile lydia drawing

Happy Face drawing my daughter, Lydia, did for me

Please check out my new blog page, “The Butterfly Flutter Project.” It is singular of purpose and intended to inspire people to encourage others in their day to day life. I appreciate you checking it out and sharing! Just click the link below. My main blog here will remain my primary blog and will be updated regularly with new posts, poetry, and articles as always.

“Let Slip the Dogs of Peace” – An Anti-war Poem by Luke Austin Daugherty

"Let Slip the Dogs of Peace" - An Anti-war Poem by Luke Austin Daugherty

“Let Slip the Dogs of Peace” – An Anti-war Poem by Luke Austin Daugherty copyright 2014


This poem is dedicated to all those suffering in the wars of the day and the hope for peaceful resolution. It is a play off the line by Shakespeare in Julius Caesar, “Cry, ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war.” PLEASE share this poem peace loving friends! Perhaps the flutter of a butterfly’s wings here can have a great impact somewhere else in the world… Thanks, Luke