Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on Obama and U.S. Drone Policy

As usual, the “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” team is on point. I don’t have much to add to what John Oliver covered other than a hearty, “Amen!”

“Let Slip the Dogs of Peace” – An Anti-war Poem by Luke Austin Daugherty

"Let Slip the Dogs of Peace" - An Anti-war Poem by Luke Austin Daugherty

“Let Slip the Dogs of Peace” – An Anti-war Poem by Luke Austin Daugherty copyright 2014


This poem is dedicated to all those suffering in the wars of the day and the hope for peaceful resolution. It is a play off the line by Shakespeare in Julius Caesar, “Cry, ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war.” PLEASE share this poem peace loving friends! Perhaps the flutter of a butterfly’s wings here can have a great impact somewhere else in the world… Thanks, Luke