Many Apologies, Oscar, But You’ll Have to Wait (A Poem Typecast)

Many Apologies, Oscar, But You'll Have to Wait (page 1 of 2)

Many Apologies, Oscar, But You’ll Have to Wait (page 1 of 2) Copyright on picture and words: Luke Austin Daugherty, All Rights Reserved.

Many Apologies, Oscar, But You'll Have to Wait (page 2 of 2)

Many Apologies, Oscar, But You’ll Have to Wait (page 2 of 2) Copyright on picture and words: Luke Austin Daugherty, All Rights Reserved.


Many Apologies, Oscar, But You'll Have to Wait

Many Apologies, Oscar, But You’ll Have to Wait Copyright on picture: Luke Austin Daugherty, All Rights Reserved.

As always, thank you for reading and sharing my blog! I am an independent poet, author, and singer/songwriter and I have my own ebay business to keep me as flexible as possible. But, writing takes time and if you appreciate what I do, if you have been moved or made to think by my writing, OR have just enjoyed something on my blog, please throw a buck or two in my tip jar!:) Your kind contribution may buy me a cup of coffee out at my next writing session. Click my easy paypal “tip jar” link that follows and THANKS! -Luke

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My Kids Share Their Top Two Life Lessons


Last week, I gave my four youngest kids a little two-part assignment. I asked them to first consider the two most important life lessons they have acquired during their tenure on planet Earth thus far. Second, to write them down in brief. Each youngster spent some time independently working on their thoughtful answers. I noticed that a couple of reoccurring themes surfaced. They did such a good job that I wanted to share their advice on my blog. The kids all said it would be fine with them. Here are the sagely proverbs they each wrote. Maybe there is something here you can use in your own life, no matter what your age may be 🙂

Nathanael- 14 years old:


  1. Don’t waste time on something or someone who is not worth it. Focus on what you are doing.
  2. If you want to do something, then do it.


Caleb- 14 years old:


  1. When studying anything, look at the facts.
  2. Live in the now.


Lydia- 13 years old:


  1. Don’t live in the future or the past. Live in the present.
  2. Every yes to one thing is a no to something else. Every no to one thing is a yes to something else.


Charity- 10 years old:

  1. Don’t let people talk you in to something you don’t want to do.
  2. Every yes in life is a no to something else. Every no in life is a yes to something else.