The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover- Chapter Ten: Fallen Angel

The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover

Chapter Ten: Fallen Angel


And with this

Time stopped in the small community

While everyone who had bought a paper

(And believe me, that day everyone bought

A paper)

Caught their breath


On Simon’s way into town

Each passing car moved in slow motion

And every pedestrian’s glance

Was not a look of disgust

But of amazed confusion



The town’s peculiar one?

Can a crooked, shuffling

Familiar stranger

Be the author of inspired words

And the true love

Of the fair Muriel?


Could he be the one

Who had cut his heart open

As with a knife

Before us all?


That day at the diner

Simon was not the ghost

Haunting the back-corner table

But the focus of everyone’s attention

And topic of their whispered conversation


As twelve o’clock drew nearer

Simon’s anticipation increased

And when the door opened

His heart almost ceased to beat

When for the first time

He allowed his eyes to meet Muriel’s


Between each blink

Eternity passed

Muriel felt Simon’s love

She felt peace

She felt whole


Then, as Peter taking his eyes off of the Lord

Sunk into the sea

With faith faltering,

Muriel looked upon the faces of the townsfolk

Feeling their judgment

And her faith in love being shaken

She walked back out the door


As she hurried down the sidewalk

She wept with disappointment

Not in her lover

But in herself

Her detached, offended spirit

Viewed her body from above

As God, beholding a fallen angel


While she sped away

Toward the far country

Simon sat at his formica covered

Back-corner table

For the last time

And wrote one more poem…


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter ten of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty -This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover- Chapter Nine: Chronicle #3

The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover

Chapter Nine: Chronicle #3


Beloved Muriel

You are my only desire

I am your captive

Do with me as you wish

I will be revealed to you

Shroud not your eyes

But look full on

I wish not to be a spectacle

But a welcome revelation

Muriel my blessed flower


My stomach is in knots

Yet I will not be ruled by fear

For I believe in love

And I trust my lover’s heart

Be my answered prayer

My Muriel

My love

I am Simon


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter nine of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty -This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover- Chapter Eight: Muriel’s Heart

The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover

Chapter Eight: Muriel’s Heart


As Muriel read the poem

She wept

And this moment brought a first for her

She believed for the first time

That true love was real

And her heart began to yearn

To know who her lover was


She made her way through the day

With every moment feeling like a lifetime

Each man she passed

Brought the same question

“Is this my love?”


With Simon’s words

The door to Muriel’s heart

Had been unlocked


That day when Simon saw her

He saw a woman in love

But she didn’t know who with

At one moment she giggled to herself

The next she was almost in tears


Simon was now resolved…


He would be revealed

To his love

And it would be for Muriel

To slay or bring him to life


When he left the diner after lunch

He walked straight to the Town Chronicle

And personally delivered the letter


The whole walk home

And the rest of the day

Simon did nothing

But hope against hope

And as he slept

He saw Muriel in his dreams


The following day’s paper

Had his poem on the front page


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter eight of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty -This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover- Chapter Seven: Chronicle #2

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover

Chapter Seven: Chronicle #2

Oh, Muriel

Be my song once more!

From the marrow of my bones

I long for your response

Will I be received?

Or will you reckon my love grotesque?

I can not much longer bear

But to know love’s fate


My most pure dove

Desire of a heart not defiled

Do you believe my motives are true?

My thoughts toward you are holy


From antiquity to this present age

None as you was ever found

Your smile is as

The birth of dawn

From the eastward horizon

To have but the hope of you

Is better than Solomon’s riches

Yet my soul desires more than hope



Will your heart find place for my love?


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter seven of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty -This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover- Chapter Six: Curiosity

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover

Chapter Six: Curiosity


All wondered amongst themselves

Who was the author of this outpouring?

These were not the words of a simple man

Or of a plain, small town fellow they said

The author of this poem was surely

One to be esteemed for his love and words


What of Muriel?

Let’s just say her smile was a bit

Wider than usual that day

As her heart beat harder

Than it ever had

Energized by such curiosity alive within her


And Simon?

He saw her smiling

And it was the best day of his life

Though many men have provoked

One thousand smiles from the one they love

For Simon

This was the first


Once again they had lunch together

From across the room

Muriel smiling and chatting

With her girlfriends from the bank

And Simon spoke silently with his pen

But with a greater sense of

Freedom than before


Off went another letter

To the Town Chronicle

This time it was in the next day’s paper

And the expectation of the town

(And of Muriel)

Was not disappointed


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter six of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty -This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover- Chapter Five: Chronicle #1

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover

Chapter Five: Chronicle #1



You are the sweetest fragrance

Of the fairest May flower


My heart is stricken

In every moment

Of your absence


Your beauty draws my soul

In the night watches

As the moon’s gravity

Upon the ocean tide


If I believed but for a moment

That there was not a place

For our love

I would beg not to love you


Will my confession

Find a kind answer?

Will you forgive my secrets?

Will your sacrifice

Be my love’s salvation?

Does your heart hear

My whispered prayer?


Oh Muriel

Suffer love’s fool to speak!


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter five of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty -This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover-Chapter Four: A Poet’s Encounter


The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover

Chapter Four: A Poet’s Encounter


The next day

Simon sat in his usual

Back-corner booth at the diner

Feeling isolated and safe

From the judgment of the normal townsfolk

Hoping Muriel

Who worked as a teller at the bank across the street 

Would follow her usual routine

And come to the diner for lunch


A few minutes later

When Muriel walked in

It was to Simon

As the gates of Heaven opening

With celestial light shining upon her face

And her dark brown hair


Simon’s ballpoint pen felt like the ready, ink-dipped quill of a prophet

While the words flowed freely onto

His new dime store notebook

As did those on Solomon’s scroll

When he wrote his sacred song


Simon penned the words purposefully 

And with great thought and reflection

As though he was whispering the sonnet

In Muriel’s ear

His head just over her cashmere covered shoulder


When Simon’s confession was finished

He carefully tore out the page

Folding it twice, keeping the creases even

Until it was one third its original size

Just the perfect fit for a fresh, white envelope


Once the envelope was licked, sealed, and stamped

Simon wrote the “To” address on the front

But added no “From”

Then mailed it to the Town Chronicle


Though the newspaper’s office was only two blocks away

Simon wished for the time being

To remain anonymous

And could not risk being noticed

Dropping the letter off

For he was the town’s peculiar one


Simon chose rather

To drop it into the large, metal mailbox on the corner of the sidewalk

Feeling gravity pull it out of his fingers

Before he allowed the heavy, tilt-out mail slot door

To swing back into place



Knowing what was now done

Could not be undone

He whispered to himself

“It is finished”


Upon the poem’s publishing in “The Town Chronicle”

Several days later

It could be said that there was no small stir

Among the populace of the small town

For Simon was plain

With the notions of his heart


His anonymous, yet public confession

Read in this fashion…

-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover- Chapter Three: The Revelation of St. Simon


The Chronicles of Simon the Lover

Chapter Three: The Revelation of St. Simon

Simon was deep in his daily Bible study

Making his devotion in the book of Proverbs

One of his favorite portions of Scripture

When he came across one fateful verse

Proverbs 27:5 

“Open rebuke is better than secret love”


It was as though a fog was lifted

From his lonesome soul

As his God’s words gave the charge

And a spark of liberating revelation

Was ignited


Though his mind had been quickened

He yet reasoned within himself

“How can a man such as I

Shunned and despised of all

Express to the beautiful rose Muriel

The truest feelings of my heart?”


He was now frustrated 

By the apparent contradiction

Why would God provoke him to action

While offering no course

To accomplish the task


As the battle was raging

In his stricken breast

He found the answer

In the notion of a faithful friend

At the moment he looked upon the book of prose

That had also been his meditation many lonely hours


He would pour out his heart in verse

Page and pen would play the music

Of his love song

And Muriel would finally know

That he loved her


But he could not just walk right up to her

At the corner of Main and Jefferson

And hand her the love letter in an envelope

For he was the town’s peculiar one

Such an action would surely be disastrous


Simon decided on a less abrupt course

He would offer his love poems for publication

In the community contribution section

Of the local newspaper

“The Town Chronicle”


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter three of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty

-This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover-Chapter Two: The Heart of Simon


The Chronicles of Simon the Lover

Chapter Two: The Heart of Simon


In spite of his lack of human friends

Simon was not completely forsaken

For he found the companionship offered by books

To be quite agreeable

His best pals were the Scriptures, Moby Dick

And a collection of love poems

Penned by the great writers of verse


Oh, and by the way

Simon was in love


Her name was Muriel

She was an angel in his eyes

Every time he saw her in town

His heart felt as though it was being crushed

By the mighty hand of God


But he would only look quickly

For he was the town’s peculiar one

And though he could bear the judgmental stares 

Of everyone that passed him by

To risk catching such a glance from Muriel

Would be as death to him

So rather than chance such a fate

He withheld his eyes from ever meeting hers


Several years it had been

That he had lived in this sad state

A man whose chest burned with the heat

Of true love’s passion

Yet feeling imprisoned

Unable to express his deepest emotions

To the object of his desire

The sweet Muriel


But one day

Everything changed…

-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter two of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty

-This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover- Chapter One: A Man Peculiar

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover

Chapter One: A Man Peculiar

Every small town has a man who is shunned

A man who is peculiar in one way or another

Usually seen walking here or there

Sometimes stopping at the cafe for coffee

Sitting in the safety of the back corner booth

Always alone

A man who is never afforded

The congenial small talk

And courteous nods

Offered to one another

By the regular citizens


Simon was such a man


He had suffered a bout of polio as a child

Scarcely surviving the episode

Being left a bit hunched over

With his spine and one leg permanently crooked


In nineteen fifty-six

Simon was a man in his late twenties

He was always disheveled in appearance

Often seen shuffling down the sidewalk

While catching the disapproving glances

Of the regular townsfolk

Like an unwelcome leper with

Worn clothes

Unkempt hair

And a lonely soul


His parents having both passed on

He lived with an aunt on his father’s side

Who was kind enough to give him room and board

Though he could pay no regular rent

As he was only able to find odd and infrequent jobs

Because who wants a cripple for their hired man

 (Strange how a town with so many churches

   can be so wanting in the area of practical


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click the link below!

*This is chapter one of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty -This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”