“The Little Black Girl in the Booth Behind Me” – A Poem

“The Little Black Girl in the Booth Behind Me” page 1, by Luke Austin Daugherty. Words and photograph copyright 2015: Luke Austin Daugherty

“The Little Black Girl in the Booth Behind Me” page 2, by Luke Austin Daugherty. Words and photograph copyright 2015: Luke Austin Daugherty

I Was Going to Write A Blog on the Garner Case, But Jon Stewart Already Said What I Was Going To

Jon Stewart covered basically everything I was going to say about the Garner killing, so I’ll just watch his dissertation and shake my head. It is hard to write when I’m frustrated…

All I will add in general is that, if this type of thing cannot be dealt with by the respective local, county, or state governments, the federal government is going to have to step in. I call this killing an unjustifiable homicide and the officers involved MUST be brought to trial, as in the plethora of similar cases currently in the news (and not in the news). The American people have lost faith in their own law enforcement. We do not trust cops. We fear that in any run-in with police we may be hurt, have our rights violated, or be killed. This situation cannot go on as it is. It is reaching a dangerous boiling point and it makes us look to the rest of the world like a nation policed by barbaric, treacherous oppressors.

For more information on the case, check out this video by The Young Turks (includes original video of killing):

And another on the frequency of citizens being killed by cops in the USA vs other nations: