It Doesn’t Take Long to Miss Her Now (a love poem for Angela)


It doesn’t take long to miss her now

It used to take  longer

When I was used to it

A thousand miles between us

And weeks at a time

I was so busy

And the diesel engine so loud

Missing her didn’t even occur to me until my work boots were off

And the night was too quiet

In whatever flophouse motel I found on the road

But now it is different

I see her every day

I lay by her every night

As I will be moments from now

If more than twenty miles separates us

It is a rare occurrence

After but a few hours away

I feel the longing

Because it doesn’t take long to miss her now


Luke Austin Daugherty-

Originally typed on a Smith Corona Super Sterling typewriter at 3:38 a.m.

Copyright 2014

Sweet Sixteen -A Poem for Angela on our Anniversary



Sweet Sixteen

Do you see the hope on our young faces

My love

As we embraced

A sweet sixteen years ago

Only days before we wed

Me in your arms

And you in mine

One of our perfect moments 

I remember it perfectly

The feel of your shirt’s fabric in my left hand

How your hair smelled

The way your breast felt against my chest

As you made my heart beat faster

We knew not all that would come

Between that day and this 

Not even the half of it

But we knew we would be living it together

I, who would be an instant father

Looked forward to calling your child my son

And of our four more children to come

Nothing was known of them then

Now to go even a day without their company seems a grave injustice

My dear wife

We have seen so many of love’s soldiers

Fall to the wayside

Injured or slain

During or journey

Yet, after 16 years

We abide

Stalwart and unified

Not only that

But expectant of what is to come

For better or worse

We are purposed

Still in love

And full of hope

As we celebrate our

Sweet Sixteen


The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover- Chapter Ten: Fallen Angel

The Chronicles Of Simon the Lover

Chapter Ten: Fallen Angel


And with this

Time stopped in the small community

While everyone who had bought a paper

(And believe me, that day everyone bought

A paper)

Caught their breath


On Simon’s way into town

Each passing car moved in slow motion

And every pedestrian’s glance

Was not a look of disgust

But of amazed confusion



The town’s peculiar one?

Can a crooked, shuffling

Familiar stranger

Be the author of inspired words

And the true love

Of the fair Muriel?


Could he be the one

Who had cut his heart open

As with a knife

Before us all?


That day at the diner

Simon was not the ghost

Haunting the back-corner table

But the focus of everyone’s attention

And topic of their whispered conversation


As twelve o’clock drew nearer

Simon’s anticipation increased

And when the door opened

His heart almost ceased to beat

When for the first time

He allowed his eyes to meet Muriel’s


Between each blink

Eternity passed

Muriel felt Simon’s love

She felt peace

She felt whole


Then, as Peter taking his eyes off of the Lord

Sunk into the sea

With faith faltering,

Muriel looked upon the faces of the townsfolk

Feeling their judgment

And her faith in love being shaken

She walked back out the door


As she hurried down the sidewalk

She wept with disappointment

Not in her lover

But in herself

Her detached, offended spirit

Viewed her body from above

As God, beholding a fallen angel


While she sped away

Toward the far country

Simon sat at his formica covered

Back-corner table

For the last time

And wrote one more poem…


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter ten of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty -This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover- Chapter Five: Chronicle #1

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover

Chapter Five: Chronicle #1



You are the sweetest fragrance

Of the fairest May flower


My heart is stricken

In every moment

Of your absence


Your beauty draws my soul

In the night watches

As the moon’s gravity

Upon the ocean tide


If I believed but for a moment

That there was not a place

For our love

I would beg not to love you


Will my confession

Find a kind answer?

Will you forgive my secrets?

Will your sacrifice

Be my love’s salvation?

Does your heart hear

My whispered prayer?


Oh Muriel

Suffer love’s fool to speak!


-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter five of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty -This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”

The Chronicles of Simon the Lover-Chapter Two: The Heart of Simon


The Chronicles of Simon the Lover

Chapter Two: The Heart of Simon


In spite of his lack of human friends

Simon was not completely forsaken

For he found the companionship offered by books

To be quite agreeable

His best pals were the Scriptures, Moby Dick

And a collection of love poems

Penned by the great writers of verse


Oh, and by the way

Simon was in love


Her name was Muriel

She was an angel in his eyes

Every time he saw her in town

His heart felt as though it was being crushed

By the mighty hand of God


But he would only look quickly

For he was the town’s peculiar one

And though he could bear the judgmental stares 

Of everyone that passed him by

To risk catching such a glance from Muriel

Would be as death to him

So rather than chance such a fate

He withheld his eyes from ever meeting hers


Several years it had been

That he had lived in this sad state

A man whose chest burned with the heat

Of true love’s passion

Yet feeling imprisoned

Unable to express his deepest emotions

To the object of his desire

The sweet Muriel


But one day

Everything changed…

-Thank you for reading this story! If you would like to have and read the entire poetry book that the story is from, please click either of the links below. It is available on Kindle and Nook. If you would like a print copy, please message me directly.

*This is chapter two of twelve. The following chapters will continue to be published daily until the entire story is online. Please subscribe to this blog for notifications.

-Copyright 2005 By: Luke Austin Daugherty

-This work may not be reproduced in any form, digital, audio, or print, in part or in whole without the express, written consent of the author. It was originally published in a collection of original poetry called, “Love with Vengeance.”