Fixing Up One of My Favorite Recent Finds-A WW2 Era Navy Peacoat


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I was stoked when I found this peacoat at a local Goodwill outlet! I rarely ever pass up a vintage peacoat (as long as it’s a legit US. Navy peacoat and not a knock-off) unless it’s moth-eaten or has damage that I can’t personally fix. This one was just REALLY dusty, had a missing button, a small torn spot in the lining, one small loose lining seam, and one armpit with the lining loose around 1/2 of the seam…. nothing that an hour-ish of hand stitching and a serious lint brush session couldn’t fix 🙂

Thankfully, I had a period-correct button from another damaged WW2 peacoat made by the very same Naval Clothing Factory. Serendipity strikes again!

Last night, I got around to cleaning and stitching the peacoat up while sipping some tasty Hamm’s beer (not a paid advertising, but it should be). It took me a little over an hour start-to-finish. Then, I listed it on ebay this afternoon. See the link if you’re interested: WW2 Peacoat listing on Brother Luke’s Treasures Ebay Store

Also, there is a fantastic peacoat dating/history page on the Fedora Lounge if you want to do any of your own peacoat research. See link: Peacoat Dating on the Fedora Lounge

Below, there are a few of the pics from this project. As always, thank you for reading and sharing my blog! I am an independent poet, author, and singer/songwriter and I have my own ebay business to keep me as flexible as possible. But, writing takes time and if you appreciate what I do, if you have been moved or made to think by my writing, OR have just enjoyed something on my blog, please throw a buck or two in my tip jar!:) Your kind contribution may buy me a cup of coffee out at my next writing session. Click my easy paypal “tip jar” link that follows and THANKS! -Luke

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Luke Austin Daugherty repairing a vintage WW2 peacoat


Hand-stitched lining repairs on a vintage WW2 Naval Clothing Factory peacoat and the original tag.

It Doesn’t Take Long to Miss Her Now (a love poem for Angela)


It doesn’t take long to miss her now

It used to take  longer

When I was used to it

A thousand miles between us

And weeks at a time

I was so busy

And the diesel engine so loud

Missing her didn’t even occur to me until my work boots were off

And the night was too quiet

In whatever flophouse motel I found on the road

But now it is different

I see her every day

I lay by her every night

As I will be moments from now

If more than twenty miles separates us

It is a rare occurrence

After but a few hours away

I feel the longing

Because it doesn’t take long to miss her now


Luke Austin Daugherty-

Originally typed on a Smith Corona Super Sterling typewriter at 3:38 a.m.

Copyright 2014